Try Counseling for Anxiety today!

Counseling for Anxiety

Counseling for Anxiety

“I think too much, I think ahead, I think behind, I think sideways, I think it all. If it exists, I’ve f***ing thought of it.” ~Winona Ryder

Get Started Now

Do you feel constantly stressed, panicky, irritated?

Sometimes life sucks and it feels like things are never going to get better. Perhaps right now is one of those times. Most people who start counseling for anxiety feel lost in life on some level, unsure of how to find their way through the panic and hamster wheel of thoughts.

Perhaps you can relate. Maybe you check things off of your to-do list but you don’t feel like you’re ever truly getting anything or enough done, or you know you’d be happier if things changed, but it feels safer and more comfortable to stay the same.

Feeling stuck in a negative loop and feeling worried all the time is exhausting and you want a chance to be present and more content in the life you are living now.

Catch Your Breath!

Counseling for Anxiety in Minnesota Can Help You Break The Cycles Of Anxiety And Stress.

It’s possible to feel better. Imagine a life where you could:

1. Stop the all-the-time worrying.
2. Control how you respond to anxious thoughts.
3. Finally be free from years of constant anxiety and panic attacks.
4. Stop letting anxiety affect the way you live or the way you make decisions.

There are many powerful tools to help you gain and maintain a sense of peace in the midst of anxious thoughts and feelings. One way to help you through this is to practice identifying, challenging, and replacing anxious thoughts.

Here’s how:
1. Acknowledge your anxiety.
2. Try to pinpoint the source. What’s going on around you or inside of you?
3. Imagine the worst outcome, best outcome, and likely outcome.
4. Write out the anxiety producing thought. Is it likely? What facts support it?
5. Write out more balanced thoughts. Practice saying those out loud when the anxious thoughts come up.

My name is Brittany Krippner
and I am a counselor, anxiety expert, and women with anxiety who is here to help. I know it feels like anxiety is ever-present throughout your whole life. Maybe you remember feeling anxious since childhood, or maybe something awful and unexpected happened that jump started it for you. Counseling for anxiety helps you learn about, accept, and find specific ways to manage it. You deserve to feel peace.

Let’s get started today! 

Ready to start feeling better? If you feel unable to slow down and just catch your breath, counseling for anxiety could help.

Start now and discover ways to manage both internal and external stress.
Call or Text for a Free Consultation 218-553-0969.