counseling for depression

Counseling for Depression

“When people don’t know exactly what Depression is, they can be judgmental”
~Marion Cotillard 

Get Started Now

Do you feel sad, numb, hopeless?

Life’s challenges and your feelings about it can feel dark, heavy, and impossible to deal with.

Most people who start counseling for depression feel stuck in a rut, unable to move forward. Maybe you don’t look forward to much or you are unmotivated to do anything in your free time.

Stuck in negativity and feeling miserable all the time, you may feel like life is overwhelming, like it’s too much.

Rise Above!

Do any of the Following Resonate with You? 

1. Your energy levels are at an all-time low.
2. You act like everything is OK on the outside but on the inside, it feels devastatingly painful.
3. You feel like you lack motivation to do anything.
4. You feel lonely, even when you are with others.
5. You lost the joyful feelings that you used to have in life.
6. You wake up every morning feeling overwhelmed and depressed.
7. You feel like you have no reason to get excited, to smile, to move forward.

If any of these sound true for you, I want you to know that you might feel embarrassed to open up about what you’re really going through, even to family and friends.

Counseling provides a non-judgmental space for you to talk freely about what’s bothering you, the thoughts that cross your mind, or the hopelessness you feel.

Call for a Free Consultation 218-553-0969.

Counseling for Depression in Minnesota Can Help with These Feelings of Sadness, Emptiness, and Hopelessness.

It’s possible to feel better. Imagine a life where you could…

1. Be high energy, motivated, and ambitious again.
2. Have improved and more consistent mood and productivity.
3. Shift into having a more hopeful outlook on life.
4. Figure out who you are and what direction to go in next with confidence and pride.
5. Actually look forward to doing activities and hobbies that bring you joy. 
6. No longer have to pretend that everything is okay if they’re not.

My name is Brittany Krippner and I am a counselor, depression expert, and person who has first hand experience with depression. I know depression can be debilitating or make you feel like you will never be happy again. Counseling for depression can help you learn about, accept, and find specific ways to manage it. You deserve kindness and forgiveness for yourself.

Let’s Get Started Today!

Ready to start feeling better? If you feel unrecognizable when you look in the mirror, counseling for depression could help.

Start now and discover ways to manage both internal and external stress.
Call or Text for a Free Consultation 218-553-0969.