counseling for trauma

Counseling for Trauma

Trauma is a chronic disruption of connectedness”
~Stephen Porges

Get Started Now

Do You Feel Ashamed, Stuck, Unworthy?

Your Secrets Don’t Have to Live In The Dark Anymore.

You never should have had to experience these painful events or situations that were out of your control. You know that you need to feel better but you don’t know where to start.

Do any of the Following Resonate with You?

1. You’re constantly on edge, feeling like you want to crawl out of your own skin?
2. Do you have nightmares, flashbacks, or painful memories?
3. Restless, like you can’t sit still?
4. You’re on edge all the time, scanning for danger like a TSA agent at an airport.
5. Are you feeling disconnected or outside of your body like you’re looking in?
6. You feeling stuck, frozen, or paralyzed with fear?
7. You don’t understand why certain smells, sounds, or images create unbearable emotion?
8. You feel dread, fear, strange thoughts, and a pounding heart.
9. You know that sadness isn’t helpful but getting out of it alone isn’t possible.
10. You feel like you are wandering through life, feeling like something is missing or your balance is “off.”
11. You feel like damaged goods because of the stuff that’s happened, “Now I’m broken or defective.” 
12. You are the family member of someone who has experienced trauma and don’t know where to start in helping them. 

If you connect with any of this, or they sound true for you, I want you to know that you’re not alone. Reaching out for help is one of the strongest things that you can do. Even if you don’t believe you deserve care, you do.

You deserve to take care of yourself. I know what it’s like to be on the other side of the couch. You can regain a sense of control and purpose in your life.

Call for a Free Consultation 218-553-0969

Counseling for Trauma in Minnesota can help you get your life back! 

You can recover! You can feel better! Imagine a life where you could…

1. Really feel happy and safe again.
2. Stop worrying all the time.
3. Experience a more positive and hopeful outlook on life.
4. Improve your relationship with yourself and those you choose to share yourself with.
5. Be completely real about your life and heal those hurts.
6. Recognize that it wasn’t your fault and stop living in shame.

My name is Brittany Krippner and I have the personal knowledge and professional expertise to help you navigate your trauma. I know it feels like there’s no hope for you to feel happy and safe, or to build something healthy. Maybe you feel like someone else’s shitty decisions have cost you your life. Counseling for Trauma helps validate, heal, and recover. You deserve to feel like yourself again.

Let’s Get Started Today!

Ready to start feeling better? If you feel stuck repeating the same painful patterns, counseling for trauma could help.

Start now and find meaning and joy in life again. Call or text me today for your free 15 minute consultation at 218-553-0969